Child Loss whit and kels Child Loss whit and kels

Tara’s Story

Tara is our last guest for season 3, and her story is an incredible one to end on. Tara speaks with us about losing her daughter, Taylor in a skiing accident. Tara and her family were able to give the gift of life through donating Taylor's organs. They then decided to help form a support group for families who grieve the death of a loved one and also educate about the importance of organ donation. Tara and her husband founded their organization, Taylor's Gift. Their slogan is - Outlive Yourself. We found Tara to be inspiring and uplifting. To go through the loss of a child and to continue to build from that loss is extraordinary. We hope you love her episode!

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Widow whit and kels Widow whit and kels

Georgie’s Story

Georgie, a widow who tragically lost her husband Steve to cancer, shares her heartfelt life journey with us. She recounts the beautiful story of how they met and the extraordinary life they built together. When Steve received his diagnosis, he urged them to "live life", and they truly embraced that mantra. Georgie reflects on their determination to live life to the fullest, and she continues to do so in loving memory of Steve. This episode is a touching tribute, radiating hope and inspiration. Georgie's warmth and wisdom shine through, and we were delighted to have the opportunity to record with her. We are eagerly looking forward to sharing her remarkable story with all of you.

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whit and kels whit and kels

AnneMoss’ Story

AnneMoss shares with us how she tragically lost her 20 year old son to suicide and what her grief journey was like trying to move forward from that loss.

AnneMoss did such an amazing job at articulating her thoughts and feelings about what life has been like after going through such a tragedy. She takes you a long on her journey as she describes the pain that she has felt and the questions that arose with losing her son.

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Pediatric Cancer, Child Loss, Ohana Oasis whit and kels Pediatric Cancer, Child Loss, Ohana Oasis whit and kels

Heidi’s Story

20 years ago Heidi lost her 5 year old daughter Alison, to a brain tumor. She walks us through what life was like before Alison's diagnosis, and what happened throughout her life after Alison passed away. Heidi is definitely making lemonade with her lemons. She chose to keep moving forward and to honor Alison through living her own life and fulfilling what matters most to her.

Heidi has made some big changes in her career and location. She worked in public affairs advising on health care policy in a variety of positions including the Idaho Director of Government Affairs for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. 8 years after losing her daughter and realizing she had some good tools & resources to share with others she founded 'Ohana Oasis' in hopes to help others work through their grief & loss through retreats.

Talking with Heidi was so uplifting. We are so happy that she shared her story and wisdom on our podcast. We hope that you guys love this episode as much as we did.

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Widow, Suicide whit and kels Widow, Suicide whit and kels

Alexandra’s Story

Alexandra Wyman is our guest on this week's episode. She tells us her story about losing her husband to suicide and walking that journey as a single mom with a young child.

One of our favorite things about this episode is that Alexandra is trying to change the stigma that is placed around suicide. She was so willing to come on our podcast and share with you all, what she has come to learn through the aftermath of losing her husband.

Alexandra wrote a book called, The Suicide Club. If you are going through something similar that may be a great resource for you.

You can also find Alexandra & many more amazing resources through her website at:

We hope that you enjoy this week's episode.

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Child Loss whit and kels Child Loss whit and kels

Mandi’s Story

This week's guest, Mandi tells us about her son, Tate who passed away a couple of years ago. Tate was a talented, smart, brave, and very busy boy who seemed to excel at many things in life. Tate unfortunately left this world too soon, and Mandi does a beautiful job at sharing her experiences through the grief and mourning of her son.

We love when you guys leave comments for our guests. Thank you for listening to our episodes. We love you guys!

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Widow whit and kels Widow whit and kels

Summer’s Story

Summer is our guest for this week's episode. Summer's husband was snowmobiling, which he had been doing his whole life, when he was caught in an avalanche that took his life. Summer walks us through that horrific day while describing her thoughts and feelings when she found out what had happened.

Summer lost her husband, and her 3 young children lost their father that day. Because of the circumstances, Summer turned something horrific into helping others with education, resources and the correct gear to use and wear while snowmobiling. She started a non-profit called the Adam Anderson Avalanche Project, where all proceeds will be used to provide free rentals of avalanche preparedness kits to snowmobilers in Island Park, Idaho. You can find out more information here:

Most recently Summer has started a podcast called, Find Me in the Daisies. It is a podcast about finding joy in the journey. We love that we get to share a small part of Summer and her story with all of you. She is an incredible woman who is doing amazing things in spite of what lemons life has thrown her. Make sure to check out her podcast and leave a sweet comment for Summer!

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Karen’s Story

You guys, we have such an amazing guest to share with you this week. Karen tells us her story about her son Kyle passing away. She walks us through what he was like growing up. The trials he had gone through in life and what he had to overcome. His love for football, and how much the game meant to him. Karen tells us about the days leading up to Kyle's passing, and what life was like after.

We loved hearing Karen talk about the amazing person that Kyle was and how he loved big, and lived big. As Karen spoke about Kyle, you could feel the love that she had for him. She was meant to tell his story, and we love that we get to share it with all of you.

In honor of Kyle,



🤍 51

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Montelukast (Singulair), Child Suicide whit and kels Montelukast (Singulair), Child Suicide whit and kels

Chris + Ashley’s Story

Chris and Ashley share their story with us about their daughter, Genevieve. Genevieve left this world 15 months ago, which also left a lot of unanswered questions for her parents. As Chris and Ashley have sifted through journals and Genevieve's phone, they have discovered a lot, which led to even more questions.

In this episode, Chris and Ashley share with us so many things about suicide and what kids are going through at such young ages. They also share a medication that Genevieve was using for asthma called Montelukast (Singulair). Like every medication, there are side effects, but one of the side effects of Montelukast (Singulair) is suicide ideation. This is a new side effect that has just been made public by the Black Box Warning issued by the FDA. At the time of Genevieve's passing, they had no idea that this was a side effect. It is not on the box, you have to do some digging to find ALL of the side effects of this medicine.

Chris and Ashley are on a mission to educate while bringing awareness and love to those suffering. We are so proud and feel so honored to be able to share their story with all of you.

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#doitfordrayke whit and kels #doitfordrayke whit and kels

Samie’s Story

This week's guest is Samie. Samie joins us today and shares her story about her sweet son, Drayke who took his own life earlier this year.

Drayke was only 12. He was getting bullied by another boy his age. Samie says that Drayke was compassionate, sweet, and funny. He actually tried to befriend the bully hoping that this boy just needed a friend. What an example of compassion Drayke was. Their family's world was shattered the moment Drayke was gone.

Samie and her husband have started a national campaign #bagsagainstbullies. She talks about what it's all about on this episode. You can also find out more information @

Samie, thank you for sharing your story on our podcast. It was an honor to record with you. We hope we can do your story justice and make Drayke proud. 💛💙


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Child Loss, Grief Specialist whit and kels Child Loss, Grief Specialist whit and kels

Michele’s Story

Michele Benyo is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, a parent coach, and the founder of Good Grief Parenting. After her 6-year-old son died of cancer, her 3-year-old daughter said, “Mommy, half of me is gone.” This heartbreaking statement focused Michele’s career as an early childhood parenting specialist on the impact of grief on young children, particularly after child loss. Michele equips parents and other caring adults to recognize young children’s grief and to provide the support children need to cope well with any loss. The desire of Michele’s heart is to see families live forward after loss toward a future bright with possibilities and even joy.

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Sibling Suicide whit and kels Sibling Suicide whit and kels

Christa’s Story

Christa is our guest for this weeks episode. She share's her story of losing one of her older brother's to suicide, and going through such a traumatic event when she was only 15. Christa describes to us what life looked like for her and what mental changes she had to make for herself after her brother passed away. Losing a family member is so traumatic. Losing your big brother with whom you were very close with, when you are a sophomore in high school, adds another layer of trauma. She share's with us some advice about how she felt as the sibling in grief, versus what parent's can be going through. We loved learning from her and the perspective that she has. We hope you love this weeks episode.

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Triploidy, Stillborn whit and kels Triploidy, Stillborn whit and kels

Megan’s Story

Megan is our guest on today's episode. She tells us her story of her daughter Natalie who was stillborn due to a rare disease called Triploidy. According to - Triploidy is the presence of an additional set of chromosomes in the cell for a total of 69 chromosomes rather than the normal 46 chromosomes per cell. The extra set of chromosomes originates either from the father or the mother during fertilization.

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Grief + Child Loss whit and kels Grief + Child Loss whit and kels

Jaiden + Lindsie’s Story

This week's episode is such an amazing one. Jaiden and Lindsie Ward come on the podcast and share with us their story of losing their 20 month old son, Royce, and how it has shaped them into who they are today. You might know their story. Jaiden and Lindsie founded their business, Rightly Royce. It is a jewelry business that they named after their son, after his passing. They sell meaningful pieces to help others keep the ones they love close to their hearts. Jaiden and Lindsie's story is heartbreaking, and beautiful. They take us on their journey of life after loss, and we were in awe of their strength and kindness. We loved recording this epiosde, and hope that you all enjoy it too.

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