Emily’s Story

On today's episode, Emily tells us about her son Cameron, who passed away on Christmas day in 2015. She tells us about that day and her journey after. After Cameron passed away, their family was told that his cause of death was a rare genetic blood disorder, Porphyria. So not only is her family devastated by the death of Cameron, they have to go through genetic testing throughout the family to see who also has this blood disease. Emily tells us about how Cameron shows her signs that he is still very much around. Emily also shares with us what she is up to now and how she's trying to help others going through similar situations. She is writing a book, which we are very excited to read when it is released. We hope that you enjoy this episode as much as we did.

You can find Emily on Facebook @ https://m.facebook.com/emilyjph
Instagram @ www.instagram.com/justplayinghouse

She has a blog that she has written about her grief journey. www.JustPlayingHouse.com

She also has started a grief resources website. www.AfterChildLoss.com


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