Trisha’s Story

Trisha comes on this week's episode and tells us her amazing story about her husband who has OTC Deficiency, but as a child was able to get a liver transplant. She talks about their decision to start a family, and what that would entail with a genetic disorder. Trisha also tells us about her son who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when he was 4 years old. This woman has been through a lot, and we are so lucky that she came on the podcast to share her story and hopefully shed some light on two horrible diseases.
After our recording was over, Trisha told us about Lilly Bumpus, a 9 year old cancer survivor who went on ELLEN to tell her story. Lilly has started a petition on, to help increase federal funding for pediatric cancer. Here is the link to sign the petition!


Tessie’s Story


Emily’s Story