Jordan’s Story

This week's episode is about Holland, and this caption was written by her amazing Mom, Jordan. We hope you enjoy this episode!

This is Holland!

She was born with Spina Bifida. It's a neural tube defect that effects the spine while the baby is developing. It can cause paralysis or loss of sensation in most cases. Holland is paralyzed from her thighs down. Don't let this fool you though! She is the happiest, brightest, go getter girl you've ever seen! She is the prime example of hell on wheels in her chair, & she'll out army crawl anyone! This girl has a need for speed & is extremely determined to crush any goal that's put in front of her. It doesn't matter if you hop, skip, walk, or roll- we're all in this together!

Few quick facts about Spina Bifida:
🌼 almost 65% of babies diagnosed with Spina Bifida are aborted. let's read that again- almost SIXTY FIVE PERCENT of babies diagnosed with SB are aborted.

🌼 Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect. about 166,000 individuals in the United States have Spina Bifida.


Jaiden + Lindsie’s Story


Sheena’s Story