PPD, Anxiety, Depression whit and kels PPD, Anxiety, Depression whit and kels

Brittany’s Story

Brittany is our guest on this weeks episode and she tells us a little bit about her journey in recognizing the signs & symptoms of anxiety & depression coming into her life.

One of my favorite things that Brittany has said is that she wants to help others to not feel so alone, and I think throughout her episode she does such a great job at telling her story and we know that it'll help validate someone else who is on a similar

journey. She says that the biggest thing she is learning right now is to own her story and love herself in the process; accepting herself while looking for ways to heal. I feel that is so relatable in most of our journey's through life.

Throughout Brittany's episode she gives what sounds like simple tools to help combat negative thoughts and to implement positive talk into our daily lives. As easy as it sounds it can still be so hard to remember. Having someone or something to remind us is so important!

Brittany has done a lot of research herself in finding helpful forms of therapy. She has a list of helpful resources so make sure to look that over.

Thank you Brittany for being brave and sharing your story on our platform.

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Loss of 2 Children whit and kels Loss of 2 Children whit and kels

Diane’s Story

Diane Nienas is our guest on this week's episode, and she is an incredible woman who has gone through losing 2 children in different ways.

At age 2 her son Leo was diagnosed with leukodystrophy. He went from happy and healthy to quickly losing the functioning of his body.

Her son, Trent was diagnosed with Glioblastoma at the age of 26. Another devastating outcome for their family.

Because of Diane's experiences she has written 2 books. A memoir entitled, "I see Jesus", and a children's book, "Living Life With Leo."

You can find more information about Diane at her website, www.thebreathoflight.com

We loved recording with Diane, and feel lucky that she shared her story on our podcast so we could share it with the world. Thank you, Diane.

We hope you enjoy this episode. 💛

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