Jessica’s Story

Our guest today is someone so near and dear to our hearts. Jessica is the mom of 3 beautiful children. Her oldest son, Dylan, is the little boy who received Tayzli's heart. She tells us her story today, about being given Dylan's diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, while she was pregnant with him. Not knowing what the future would look like with her little baby, Jessica and her husband JP held onto the hope of having their little baby for as long as possible. She told us about the surgeries and procedures they endured, being put on the transplant list, and all the unknowns of waiting for a heart while watching their little boy get sicker and sicker. Jessica also talked about learning about Tayzli and being able to meet her family and the feelings and emotions that happen with organ donation. It was such an honor to talk with Jessica and to hear her side, hear about the struggles Dylan had, and how they are doing now. Thank you Jess for being so vulnerable and sharing your story with us all. We love you!!


Whit + Kels

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