Char’s Story

Char is such an incredible loss mom that shares her story with us today. She lost her sweet baby Owen, and tells us about the experience and how it happened. Owen passed away from a brain hemorrhage at 3 days old, and it was completely unexpected and of course, so sad. She is so inspiring to us with her attitude and outlook with her experience. She reminded us to always be an advocate for yourself. If something doesn't feel right, speak up! Let someone know and fight for yourself and what you think might be best. It's ok to ask for a second opinion, and it's ok to question the systems and protocols we so frequently trust and believe in. We also loved hearing her outlook on grief and life since the loss of Owen, and we know you guys will too! 

The Enthusiasm Project
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Women in Tech Podcast, "If She Can Do it, So Can I"
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The Jordan Harbinger Show
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Fear Frequency
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Hannah’s Story


Erica’s Story