LeeAnn’s Story
LeeAnn tells her story on this week's episode. She shares her journey through infertility issues, to getting diagnosed at 28 week's with pre-eclampsia. Her situation went from confusion to scary very fast. LeeAnn was rushed to a specialty hospital to deliver her sweet 2 lb 3 oz baby, Kamry. She shares her journey of delivering a very pre-term baby and what life was like for their 10 week stay in the NICU.
According to the WHO, 15 million babies are born pre-term every year. That is 1 in 10 babies. LeeAnn's delivery was considered a "very preterm" baby.
The subcategories are:
• Extremely preterm (less than 28 weeks)
• Very preterm (28-32 weeks)
• Moderate to late preterm (32-37 weeks)
Knowing the signs and symptoms of seeing pre-eclampsia in your loved one might just save their life!
Thank you LeeAnn for sharing your story and helping to raise awareness.